4K 16:9
HD 1080
Video details
29.97 fps Progressive29.97 fps Progressive
4K 16:9HD 1080
h264 (.MP4)h265 (.MP4)
0 audio channels
4K 16:9HD 1080
h264 (.MP4)h265 (.MP4)
0 audio channels
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Technical details
Type: CK - Chroma key
Categories: Symbology & Communication, Things & Objects, Work, Design, Art & Culture
Tags: background, business, caucasian, class, communication, concept, conceptual, design, draw, drawing, education, gesture, hand, holding, human, idea, illustration, information, ink, intellectual, isolated, letters, man, marker, message
Upload date: 2023-02-26
Recording date: 2017-08-10
Strong images: No
Legal info
Available releases: No