4K 16:9
HD 1080

Recording place
Bar Harbor Acadia USA New England
Video details
29.97 fps 29.97 fps
4K 16:9HD 1080
h264 (.MP4)h265 (.MP4)
2 audio channels
4K 16:9HD 1080
h264 (.MP4)h265 (.MP4)
2 audio channels

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Video registry
Technical details
Type: AV - Regular video
Categories: Places & Landscapes, Work, Travel & Tourism
Tags: Bar Harbor, Maine, USA, Acadia, New England, port, lobstering, boats, downtown, early, morning, summer, fishing, vacation, travel, cars, transportation, destination, Mount Desert, island, tourism, coast, fisherman, town, sunrise
Recording place: Bar Harbor, Acadia, USA, New England
Upload date: 2023-07-29
Recording date: 2023-07-10
Strong images: No
Inside/Outside: Outside
Season: Spring/Summer
Legal info
Available releases: No