4K 16:9
HD 1080

strange marketplace products building interior people shopping supermarket shelves supermarket aisle abstract backgrounds pattern concept silhouette mirrored legs group of people crazy psychedelic kaleidoscopic many people basket anonymous people male female artistic conceptual distorted mirror effect
Video details
29.97 fps Progressive29.97 fps Progressive
4K 16:9HD 1080
h264 (.MP4)h265 (.MP4)
0 audio channels
4K 16:9HD 1080
h264 (.MP4)h265 (.MP4)
0 audio channels

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Technical details
Type: VFX - Video with effects
Categories: Design, Art & Culture
Tags: strange, marketplace, products, building interior, people shopping, supermarket shelves, supermarket aisle, abstract backgrounds, pattern, concept, silhouette, mirrored, legs, group of people, crazy, psychedelic, kaleidoscopic, many people, basket, anonymous people, male female, artistic, conceptual, distorted, mirror effect
Upload date: 2023-05-15
Recording date: 2020-05-19
Strong images: No
Legal info
Available releases: No