4K 16:9
HD 1080

millennial generation futuristic broadcasting human artificial intelligence source code data stream connectivity future technology gadget simulator vr headset goggles internet dimension virtual reality streaming glasses cybernetic discovery cyberspace wireless technology data flow monitors cyber security
Video details
29.97 fps Progressive29.97 fps Progressive
4K 16:9HD 1080
prores (.MOV)h265 (.MP4)
0 audio channels
4K 16:9HD 1080
prores (.MOV)h265 (.MP4)
0 audio channels

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Technical details
Type: VFX - Video with effects
Categories: Cities & Urban Planning, Technology, Science, Show & Entertainment, Informatics
Tags: millennial generation, futuristic, broadcasting, human, artificial intelligence, source code, data stream, connectivity, future technology, gadget, simulator, vr headset, goggles, internet, dimension, virtual reality, streaming, glasses, cybernetic, discovery, cyberspace, wireless technology, data flow, monitors, cyber security
Upload date: 2023-04-23
Recording date: 2019-03-26
Strong images: No
Legal info
Available releases: No