Buy news footage from journalists and reporters
Buy from professionals
in a platform accessible only to them
in a platform accessible only to them
Get exclusives
on particularly interesting videos
on particularly interesting videos
No usage limits
on audience size or distribution channel
on audience size or distribution channel
No credit attribution
to make everything easier
to make everything easier
Great freedom of use
No limits on audience size or distribution channel and no need for attribution. You can even broadcast the footage on TV.
Save money by purchasing news or event footage
from cameramen or companies that are already on location or have already filmed.
On mediaCastpro you can find news and event footage uploaded by journalists and reporters from all over the world. As soon as footage is uploaded, it is immediately available for purchase.
The ability to sell footage exclusively or privately to a single customer also makes the platform particularly effective for buying and selling confidential or very high-value footage.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Under what licenses is footage sold on mediaCastpro?
Most of the footage is sold under "standard license", which allows buyers to use the footage in an unlimited number of projects and broadcast or publish it in any medium, with no limit on audience size. However, resale or transfer to third parties is not permitted. Instead, some footage is sold under "exclusive license", which guarantees that the buyer is the only one who can use that footage, and also allows resale and transfer to third parties.
Can I resell or transfer footage purchased on mediaCastpro to third parties?
You may resell or transfer footage purchased on mediaCastpro to third parties only if it was purchased with "exclusive license". Footage purchased with "standard license" cannot be resold or transferred, except within much larger finished video productions.
Why is mediaCastpro environmentally sustainable?
The goal behind the creation of mediaCastpro is to avoid, as much as possible, the displacement of video operators, which is usually neither economical nor ecological. Thanks to mediaCastpro, in fact, video production professionals can sell and buy footage from each other, thus avoiding the need to reshoot footage that someone else has already done. In addition, mediaCastpro uses Storj as a storage system for videos for sale. Storj is a cloud-based, decentralized storage system that takes advantage of free space on the hard drives of users around the world. Because of this feature, Storj is one of the most environmentally sustainable storage systems in the world, reducing environmental impact by about 80 percent compared to using a traditional data-center storage system. Of course, the videos on Storj are encrypted and not accessible to anyone but mediaCastpro.
The platform in numbers
Countries in which we are operational
We are open in the European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and 9 other countries.
Currencies supported
Each user pays and receives money only in their own currency - we take care of the conversions.
$ 2.0 M +
Overall value *
Upload your own videos to increase this value.
* calculated as the minimum expenditure that you need to incur to purchase all the clips for sale on the site, always choosing the cheapest license among those available.
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All videos are safely stored, encrypted and always accessible, thanks to Storj, the globally distributed cloud object storage - one of the greenest data storage on earth.
The platform at a glance
A marketplace that allows sellers to independently choose prices and licenses for their video footage.
A platform that allows you to sell whole video shoots, without having to crop or rework them first, as is the case with microstock. Even if the videos have a profile in Log, you only need to tell the site the correct LUT to generate a preview with realistic colors.
A place accessible only to audiovisual professionals, where video footage can be sold and purchased on any subject, including news and events.
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